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Property Preservation Services

Winterization Services
Our Property Preservation Services can winterize your properties in according to your instructions and/or applicable Investor/Insurer guidelines. A winterization generally involves:
Draining of all plumbing and heating systems as required;
Using air pressure to clear the system of water;
Adding anti-freeze to all traps and fixtures;
Shutting off water supply to the property;
Disconnecting the water meter, removing it from the cradle and leaving it on the premises;
Disconnecting the feed pipe leading to the main water valve and plugging or capping it; and
Placing tags, labels, warning signs, and dates on all items winterized, including our Property Preservation Service's address and telephone number on all tags and labels.

Misc Preservation Services
Plumbing Winterization & Board-Ups
Flood/Sewer Back-Up Damage Repair
Mold Remediation & Waterproofing
Water Damaged Carpet Replacement
HVAC Tune-Up Service & Repair
Air Ducts & Dryer Vents Cleaning
Wood Flooring Sanding & Re-Finishing
Smoke & CO Detectors Install
Attic Cleaning, Heating Oil Tanks Removal
Plumbing & Appliances Repair
Interior Walls Patching, Finishing & Painting
Fixtures & Light Electrical Wiring Repair
Deck, Driveway & Siding Power Washing
Windows & Doors Repair, Locksmith Work
Pools / Fish Ponds Cleanout & Draining
Abandoned Vehicles Removal / Towing

Convey Maintenence, Restoration & Imspection Prep
ZHCS wpartners with realtors, banks & landlords to quickly bring devastated properties up to par. In addition to Police-assisted initial entry, eviction & property survey,we will get the property in order for inspection.
Exterior Clean Up: Includes junk/debris, construction materials & light furniture removal, lawn mowing, edging, shrubs trimming, raking, gutter cleaning and; low hanging tree branches (up to 3" in diameter) cutting, removal & haul-out.
Interior Clean-Up: Includes junk/debris & furniture removal, and thorough cleaning of bathrooms, kitchen counters, cabinets and appliances, doors & windows, fireplaces, ceiling and wall fixtures, laundry rooms, closets, living areas carpet vacuuming, hard floors moping, full-house deodorizing, and garage junk/debris clearing and sweeping.